Magento 2 CMS Block Rules Extension
The CMS Block Rules Extension allows shop admin to set customer group specific CMS blocks and make them active for a specific time period. When adding a new CMS block or editing an existing CMS block, shop admin can select customer group from the multi-select list and it will be shown only for those specific groups in frontend. Shop admin can also choose a 'Active From' and 'Active To' date for CMS blocks to display in frontend for a specific period.
- Create CMS blocks based on customer group.
- Set a CMS block to be activated for a specific time period using ‘Active From’ and ‘Active To’ date fields.
- CMS blocks can be saved as disabled for future ‘Active From’ date in backend and will be enabled automatically on that date.
- All existing CMS blocks will be available for all customer groups initially, unless specific selection is done.
Total Downloads:
Compatible With:
2.3.x to 2.4.x

Version: 1.0.1
Compatible with Open Source (CE): 2.4.6
Version: 1.0.0
Initial release.
Compatible with Open Source (CE): 2.3 and 2.4
Compatible with Open Source (CE): 2.4.6
Version: 1.0.0
Initial release.
Compatible with Open Source (CE): 2.3 and 2.4