1. Pre-requisites
Magento 2.3.x or 2.4.x.
2. Installation
To install the module, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Download the module/extension and unzip it.
Step 2: Access your web server directories and upload the content of the folder into app/code/Pits/ShippingMethodByCustomerGroup/ directory.
Step 3: Run the following commands to complete the installation.
- Enable the module - php bin/magento module:enable
- Update of the database - php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Generate and pre-compile classes - php bin/magento setup:di:compile
- Deploy static files - php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
3. Product Specification
Shipping Methods By Customer Group is a Magento 2 extension developed by PIT Solutions which helps admin users to show or hide shipping methods for certain customer groups in frontend.
- Admin can show or hide shipping method according to customer group.
- Shipping methods and customer groups are shown in a single page for easy access.
- Only enabled shipping methods shows in the backend configuration shipping method list.
- Admin has "allow" and "deny" options.
- Admin can restrict shipping methods for each website.
4. Screenshots / Video
Can access Shipping Methods By Customer Group extension from Stores > PITS Configuration > Shipping Methods By Customer Group

Available websites are listed in dropdown “Websites”.

The dropdown “Allow/Deny” provides the option to Allow or Deny each shipping method for customer groups.
Enabled shipping methods are listed, and all available customer groups are listed against each shipping method.
Use case 1 : “Allow/Deny” drop-down is selected with “Deny”. None of the shipping methods are denied

Go to Stores > PITS Configuration > Shipping Methods By Customer Group
If “Allow/Deny” drop-down is selected with “Deny”, then that particular shipping method will not be displayed in checkout for the selected customer groups. None of the shipping methods are denied here since no customer group selected in the above configuration.

So, all shipping methods are displayed in checkout.
Use case 2 : “Allow/Deny” drop-down is selected with “Deny”.

Please note that “Allow/Deny” drop-down is selected with “Deny”.
Select a customer group to deny that customer group the selected shipping method. Here we selected Flat Rate for Not logged in customer group and saved it.

In checkout page, the denied shipping method “Flat Rate” will NOT be displayed for Not Logged In customer group.
Use case 3 : “Allow/Deny” drop-down is selected with “Allow”. None of the shipping methods are allowed
If “Allow/Deny” drop-down is selected with “Allow” and no customer groups are selected, then no shipping method will be shown in the frontend.

Use case 4 : “Allow/Deny” drop-down is selected with “Allow”.

Please note that “Allow/Deny” drop-down is selected with “Allow”.
Select a customer group to allow that customer group the selected shipping method. Here we selected Flat Rate for Not Logged In customer group and saved it.
Only the selected shipping method is displayed in checkout.
Only enabled shipping methods in the backend section Stores > Configuration > Sales > Delivery Methods will be shown in the "Shipping method by customer Group" configuration list.

5. Technical Requirements / Compatible with:
Magento Community 2.3.x or 2.4.x.
6. Supported Languages
English and German languages.
7. Change Log / Release Notes
Version: 1.0.0
- Compatible with Open Source (CE): 2.4.7-p3
- Admin can show/hide shipping method according to customer groups.
- Allow/Deny option for shipping methods.
8. Support
If you have questions use our contact form in webshopextension.com.