PITS PayRoll Allowance And Deductions for Odoo


Regular license

Regular license allows users to install and use a copy of the software up to the permitted number that is one (1) live-installation and one (1) staging installation, as long as nothing else has expressly been agreed upon.
33.76 CHF
Other Versions: v16

This extension is a permanent solution for recording the Allowances and Deductions which are dynamic with respect to each payslip period. With this module, we can record each allowance and deductions date wise. And this will auto-populate to the Other Input fields of Employee Payslips based on the Payslip date period. It is possible to automate their effect in the salary computation with these data in the Other Inputs field and proper Salary Rule configuration.

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User Manual
(Size: 551.7 KB)
Module for Odoo Version 15
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